This agreement dated between (hereinafter referred to as "TENANT") and Storage Barn of Morris, LLC (hereinafter referred to as 'MANAGEMENT')
NOTE: These terms are for your review, you will receive a completed copy of this agreement by email after you register.
- MANAGEMENT does hereby rent to TENANT
- Storage Unit # .
- Approximate size: () -
building located at 120 South St, Morris, CT 06763 to be used as storage for personal
or business property for the monthly rate of $ . plus 6.35% Sales Tax, for a
monthly total of $ 0.
- Payment Due Upon Signing of Contract:
- Administrative Fee: $ 25.
- First months rent (prorated for the balance of March) $ .
- Lock Purchase (if applicable) FREE.
- CT Law-6.35% Sales Tax (Charged on above taxable items) $ .
- Security Deposit (1 months rental. Not subject to tax) $ .
- TOTAL $ .
Rental payment is payable in advance. Next Due Date: April.
(1) MANAGEMENT acknowledges per your receipt of payment for included the first
(1st) month's rent (which has been prorated to the first (1st) day of next month where
applicable), administrative fee, and security deposit.
All payments made to
MANAGEMENT pursuant to the agreements shall be applied first to administrative and
late charges, then the balance to accrued and unpaid rent.
This agreement shall expire
on the last day of each month and automatically renew for one (1) additional month,
Rental payments made after
day 5 of the month are subject to a $15 Late Charge.
There is a one time,
non-refundable administration fee charged when TENANT signs his lease.
A. Payment Methods:
Payments will be processed from our office using an ACH transfer
from your bank account or a charge to your credit card. Upon signing this agreement,
you must fill out a bank authorization form or a credit card authorization form so that your
payment method is on record. You will receive your monthly invoice via email on the
25th of each previous month to indicate that the payment is to be withdrawn on the 1st
day of the following month.
B. Military Status
Your status will be recorded here upon completion of registration.
TENANT acknowledges that
MANAGEMENT does not carry any insurance which in any way covers any loss
whatsoever that TENANT may have or claim by renting the Storage Unit. All
property stored in the Storage Unit shall be at TENANT'S sole risk.
- SECURITY FEE: 1 months rental (not including Sales Tax)
- LATE FEE PER UNIT: $15.00 if payment is not received by the start of the 5th day of the month
- CERTIFIED MAILING: To be determined based upon necessity
- INSUFFICIENT FUNDS CHARGE: To be determined based upon necessity
- CREDIT CARD DENIAL CHARGE: To be determined based upon necessity
- ADVERTISEMENT FOR LEGAL AD: To be determined based upon necessity
- LIVE AUCTIONEER: To be determined based upon necessity
- ONLINE AUCTION PROCESS: To be determined based upon necessity
- CUT LOCK FEE: $15.00
(4) MANAGEMENT rents to TENANT to the storage space indicated above pursuant to the following Terms & Conditions:
A. TERM: The term of this tenancy shall commence on the date indicated above and shall continue on a month-to-month basis thereafter. The minimum rental term is ONE (1) month.
B. RENT: The rent shall be the amount stated above. Rent is due on the first (1st) day of each month, in advance and without demand. MANAGEMENT reserves the right to require that rent and other charges be paid in cash or via automatic monthly ACH bank withdrawal, or automatic monthly credit card charges. MANAGEMENT may change the monthly rent or other charges by giving the TENANT thirty (30) days advance written notice by first-class mail at the address stated in this agreement. The new rent shall become effective on the next date rent is due. If TENANT had made advanced rental payments, the new rent will be charged against such payments, effective upon giving notice of the new rate.
C. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Any change of TENANT'S address must be provided to the MANAGEMENT in writing. Such changes will become effective when received by MANAGEMENT. It is the TENANTS responsibility to verify that MANAGEMENT has received and records the requested change of address. The Change of Address form can be found on the forms page of the website ( and must be emailed to MANAGEMENT when the address change occurs.
D. ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: All new leases are subject to a one time administrative fee of $25.
E. SECURITY DEPOSIT: TENANT must pay a security deposit which is one (1) month's rent without tax. Security deposit will be refunded at the time of termination of this Self Storage Agreement, unless you have any unpaid balance or there is damage done to your unit or on the premises of Storage Barn of Morris, LLC.
F. LATE CHARGES & OTHER FEES: TENANT agrees to pay MANAGEMENT the indicated late fee, if the rent is received five (5) days after the due date. If rent is more than thirty (30) days past due, MANAGEMENT has the right to double lock the unit. TENANT will pay MANAGEMENT the indicated fee for EACH certified letter sent to TENANT, notifying the TENANT of the default on payment. TENANT agrees to pay MANAGEMENT the indicated insufficient funds charge or credit card denial charge plus ALL other fees for any declined payment methods. TENANT will be charged ALL Advertising and Auctioneer fees incurred due to default. TENANT agrees to pay MANAGEMENT a cut lock fee should they lose their keys/combination of their lock. TENANTS must update their profiles each year and make sure their Credit Card, License, Banking, Address, and phone number are all current. These fees are considered additional rent and are to compensate MANAGEMENT for labor and other costs of collection.
G. CLEANUP FEE: Any TENANT found leaving ANY items or garbage in or around their unit or on MANAGEMENT property at ANY TIME will be subject to a MINIMUM of a $100.00 cleanup fee.
H. TERMINATION: Twenty (20) days advance written (email) notice must be given by TENANT to terminate his tenancy. TENANT must schedule a walk through inspection with MANAGEMENT upon vacating. MANAGEMENT may choose to prorate the rent of the unit up to the 5th of the month. Any move outs after the 5th will be charged for the full month. TENANT must leave the unit space broom clean and in good condition. TENANT is responsible for ALL damages, and will be charged for any damages that occur to his space in the full amount that it costs for damages to be fixed.
I. DENIAL OF ACCESS: When rent or other charges remain unpaid for thirty (30) consecutive days, MANAGEMENT may deny TENANT access to the storage unit.
J. USE OF STORAGE UNIT: MANAGEMENT is not engaged in the business of storing goods for hire and no bailment is created under this agreement. MANAGEMENT exercises neither care, custody, nor control over TENANTS stored property. TENANT agrees to use the storage unit only for the storage of property wholly owned by TENANT. TENANT shall NOT reside in or otherwise occupy the storage unit, nor keep animals or livestock in the storage unit.
K. HAZARDOUS OR TOXIC MATERIAL PROHIBITED: TENANT is strictly prohibited from storing or using materials in the storage unit or in the facility classified as hazardous or toxic under ANY local, state or federal law or regulation, and from engaging in any activity which produces such materials. TENANT's obligation of indemnity as set forth below specifically includes ANY costs, expenses, fines, or penalties imposed against MANAGEMENT, arising out of the storage or use of ANY hazardous or toxic material by the TENANT, TENANT's agents, employees, invitees or guests. MANAGEMENT may enter the storage unit at any time to remove and dispose of prohibited items.
L. INSURANCE: TENANT, at TENANT'S expense, shall maintain a policy of fire, extended coverage endorsement, burglary, vandalism, flood, and malicious mischief insurance for the actual cash value of stored property. Insurance on TENANT'S property is a material condition of this agreement, and is for the benefit of both the TENANT and MANAGEMENT. Failure to carry the required insurance is a breach of this agreement and the TENANT assumes ALL risk of loss to stored property that would be covered by such insurance. The TENANT expressly agrees that the insurance company providing such insurance shall NOT be subrogated to ANY claim of TENANT against MANAGEMENT, MANAGEMENT'S agents, managers, or employees for loss of or damage to stored property.
M. TITLED VEHICLES: The TENANT must supply MANAGEMENT a copy of the vehicle title, registration, insurance card (proof of insurance) and his/her driver's license, and name and address of the Lien Holder. It is required that the TENANT place a sheet of absorbent material under the vehicle to catch and absorb ANY discharges or drips from the vehicle engine compartment. Wheels should be "chocked" and parking brake disengaged to avoid corrosion and location of breaks. No junk or damaged vehicles may be stored in TENANT'S unit.
N. RELEASE OF OWNER'S LIABILITY FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE: All personal property stored within or upon the storage unit by the TENANT shall be at the TENANT's sole risk. MANAGEMENT, MANAGEMENT'S agents, managers, and employees shall not be liable for ANY loss of or damage to ANY personal property in the storage unit or at the self-storage facility arising from ANY cause whatsoever including, but not limited to: Burglary, Mysterious Disappearance, Fire, Water Damage, Rodents, Acts of God, The Active or Passive Acts or Omissions or Negligence of the MANAGEMENT, MANAGEMENT'S agents, managers, or employees.
O. RELEASE OF OWNERS LIABILITY FOR BODILY INJURY: MANAGEMENT, MANAGEMENT'S agents, managers, or employees shall NOT be liable to the TENANT for injury or death as a result of the TENANT'S use of the storage unit or the self-storage facility, even if such injury is caused by The Active or Passive Acts or Omissions or Negligence or the MANAGEMENT, MANAGEMENT'S, managers, or employees.
P. INDEMNITY: The TENANT agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend MANAGEMENT from ALL claims, demands, actions or causes of action (including attorney's fees and ALL costs) that are hereinafter brought by others arising out of the TENANT'S use of the storage unit and common areas, including claims for MANAGEMENTS active negligence.
Q. LOCKS: TENANTS shall purchase, at the TENANT'S own expense, a lock that at the TENANT'S sole discretion, deems sufficient to secure the unit. If the unit is found unlocked, MANAGEMENT may, but is NOT obligated to, take whatever measures that MANAGEMENT deems reasonable to re-secure the unit, with or without notice to the TENANT.
R. RULES & REGULATIONS: MANAGEMENT shall have the right to establish or change the hours of operation for the facility and to promulgate rules and regulations for the safety, care and cleanliness of the storage unit or the preservation of good order on the facility. The TENANT agrees to follow ALL rules and regulations now in effect, or that may be put into effect from time to time.
S. TENANT ACCESS: TENANT'S access to the storage facility may be conditioned in ANY manner deemed reasonably necessary by MANAGEMENT to maintain order. Such measures may include, but are NOT limited to, limiting the hours of operation, requiring verification of the TENANT'S identity and inspection vehicles that enter the storage facility.
T. MANAGEMENT'S RIGHT TO ENTER: The TENANT grants MANAGEMENT, MANAGEMENT'S agents, or representative of any governmental authority, including police and fire officials, access to the storage unit upon three (3) days advance written notice to the TENANT. In the event of an emergency, MANAGEMENT, MANAGEMENT'S agents, or representatives of governmental authority shall have the right to enter the storage unit without notice to the TENANT, and take such action as may be necessary or appropriate to protect the storage facility, to comply with applicable law or enforce MANAGEMENT'S rights.
U. PROPERTY LEFT IN STORAGE UNIT: MANAGEMENT may dispose of any property left in the storage unit or on the storage facility by the TENANT, after the TENANT has terminated his or her tenancy. TENANT shall be responsible for paying ALL costs incurred by MANAGEMENT in disposing of such property. SEE FEES.
V. NO SUBLETTING: TENANT shall not assign or sublease the storage unit without the written permission of MANAGEMENT. MANAGEMENT may withhold permission to sublet or assign for ANY reason or for no reason in MANAGEMENTS sole discretion.
W. WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL. MANAGEMENT and TENANT waive their respective right to trial by jury of ANY cause of action, claim, counterclaim, or cross complaint, in ANY action brought by either MANAGEMENT against TENANT, or TENANT against MANAGEMENT, or MANAGEMENTS agents, managers, or employees, on ANY matter arising out of, or in ANY way connected with this rental agreement, TENANT'S use of the storage facility, or ANY claim of bodily injury or property loss or damage, or enforcement of ANY remedy under ANY law, statute, or regulation. This jury trial waiver is also made by the TENANT on behalf of ANY of the TENANT'S agents, guests, or invitees.
X. NOTICES: All notices required by this RENTAL AGREEMENT shall be sent by first class mail postage prepaid, to the TENANT'S last known address. Notices shall be deemed given when deposited in the United States mail. The TENANT agrees that ANY such notice is conclusively presumed to have been received by TENANT five (5) days after mailing, unless returned to MANAGEMENT by the United States Postal Service. ALL statutory notices shall be sent as required by law.
Y. NO WARRANTIES: No expressed or implied warranties are given by MANAGEMENT, MANAGEMENT agents, or employees as to the suitability of the storage unit for TENANT's intended use. MANAGEMENT disclaims and TENANT waives ANY implied warranties of suitability or fitness for a particular use.
Z. NO ORAL AGREEMENTS: This RENTAL AGREEMENT contains the entire agreement between MANAGEMENT and TENANT, and no oral agreements shall be of ANY effect whatsoever. TENANT acknowledges that no representations or warranties have been made with respect to safety, security, or suitability of the storage unit for the storage of TENANT'S property, and that TENANT has made his own determination of such matters solely from inspection of the storage space and the facility. TENANT agrees that he or she is not relying, and will not rely upon ANY oral representation made by MANAGEMENT, MANAGEMENTS agents, managers or employees purporting to modify or add to this RENTAL AGREEMENT. TENANT understands and agrees that this agreement may be modified ONLY in writing, signed by BOTH parties.
AA. SUCCESSION: ALL provisions of this RENTAL AGREEMENT shall apply to and be binding upon ALL successors in interest, assigns, or representative of the parties hereto.
BB. ENFORCEMENT: If ANY part of this RENTAL AGREEMENT is held to be unenforceable, for ANY reason, in ANY circumstance, the parties agree that such part shall be enforceable in other circumstances, and that ALL the remaining parts of the RENTAL AGREEMENT will be valid and enforceable.
CC. WHY WE NEED IDENTIFICATION: To comply with the Patriot Act-For your identity protection-For our financial protection. In order to comply with Section 326 of the United State of America Patriot Act, and to assist in the fight on terrorism, we will ask for several forms of POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION from ALL of TENANTS. Identification verification also protects you (and us) by ensuring your identity. We want your storage needs to be a positive experience and one that will benefit you and your family. Identification verification helps us do that. We appreciate your assistance and understanding. This information is ALSO for the purpose for credit checks or for the use of collection, in the event that you default this SELF STORAGE RENTAL AGREEMENT
DD. LIEN AUCTION: When an account becomes in default after 30 days MANAGEMENT may start Auction Proceedings by sending a certified letter to TENANT. The letter must include a statement balance, dates and times of the Auction and Name of Company holding the Auction. A legal ad will be placed in a local paper and advertised on the Owner Website and Facebook page. Once the unit is 60 days in default the Auction will take place. TENANT has up to the end of the Auction to make good on their account or arrangements with MANAGEMENT. See all FEES associated. Certified Letter, Cut Lock, Legal Ad, Live Auctioneer, Online Auction, Clean up. All monies collected from Auction will be applied to the Past Due Balance. Any remaining balance will be submitted to a Collection Agency.